Sunday, September 28, 2014

October is here!

Hello Third Grade Families!

It's hard to believe that the end of September is here and October is upon us. We are looking forward to the much needed cooler weather. All students worked so hard last week on their ITBS tests. We are so very proud of them! Every student who was in attendance each day of testing received one homework extension pass.  They may use this pass when they forget their assignment at home or need an extra day to complete it.

Upcoming Events
  • Thursday, October 2nd - Please have your child wear their Team 100 shirt
  • Thursday, October 2nd (evening: 6:30) - Mandatory Sacrament meeting for at least one parent in the library 
  • Friday, October 3rd - Picture Day: Please have your child wear their school uniform; no spirit shirts please and thank you
English Language Arts (ELA)

Weekly Focus Wall - Lesson 4

Spelling kills is long o spelling patterns; o, oa, and ow. 
Grammar skill is common and proper nouns. 
Reading skill is compare and contrast. 

Please have your child log into our online spelling program and work on activities in unit 11. 
Each student went home with their username, password, and website URL.  These on line games will reinforce the strategies being taught in class and will assist your child on their spelling tests.

There will be a spelling, grammar, and reading comprehension assessment on Friday, October 3rd. 

Social Studies 
Students will finish up their lessons on landforms with an assessment. We will move into lessons on understanding how to read and create maps within our neighborhood. 

Students began the brainstorming process last week for their personal narrative, and they will continue to work on it this week by composing a rough draft using their ideas. 

Students will finish up their DWP lessons with skill #5. 

The students will continue their lessons in rounding numbers to the nearest ten, hundred, and thousand.

  • Nightly read and log 2 complete sentences
  • Grammar review sheet
  • Math skill sheet
  • Practice Dreambox at least 3 times a week for fifteen minutes each visit
  • Practice Spelling activities online - All students in both classes were sent home with a letter that contains your child's username, password, and school ID # 
  • Monthly Book Report for September is due Tuesday, 9/30
  • *New October Book Report will go home later this week 

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