Tuesday, September 2, 2014

4 Day School Week

Happy Labor Day! We hope you all had a restful 3-day weekend! Last week, both the children and the teachers had a wonderful first full week of school. The students worked diligently and displayed their eagerness to learn. We are looking forward to another busy week ahead of us filled with lots of hands-on learning activities.
This week, we have our first all school mass on Wednesday, September 3rd, beginning at 1:45. Please feel free to join us for the celebration. If you would like to sit with your child, you are welcome to join our class.  However, we are not permitted to allow the students to leave their homeroom to sit with their family. 

English Language Arts (ELA)
Last week, your students reviewed key details and characters from their summer reading, Charlotte's Web.  Last Friday, the students viewed the cartoon version of the movie, so that we could compare and contrast the details from the book to the film. We will finish that activity this week.  
Below, you will find what is called our weekly Focus Wall. Each week, this wall will change according to the target skills and strategies that we will be learning through our reading story, grammar, spelling, and writing lessons. The Focus Wall is used as a resource guide for parents.  This will allow you to see what skills we will be working on and it allows the students to see their language arts goals for the week. 
You will notice at the bottom of the Focus Wall, is a list of spelling words. These words are the spelling pre-test assessment words. Every student takes the spelling pre-test on Mondays. However, the students will be not be assessed on these exact same words on Friday.  In third grade, we focus more on learning and applying the spelling skills verses memorizing the spelling words. Students will be practicing the skill for the week through a variety of activities each day. They will also come home with a set of flash cards with spelling words on them to review. As the year progresses, we will be able to access our online spelling website which will contain additional lessons and activities for them to work through.

  • Reading skill focuses on story structure. 
  • Spelling skill focuses on short vowel words. 
  • Grammar skill focuses on simple sentences. 

Students will be assessed on spelling, reading, and grammar on Friday, September 5th. 

The students will complete their unit on Data Analysis this week.  By this Friday, your child will have gained knowledge in the following graphing concepts;
  • analyzing data on a graph and answer questions based on the information
  • identifying a variety of different types of graphs (bar graph, chart, table, tally chart, picto-graph)
  • conduct a survey and create a tally chart and bar graph based on the data
  • create a picto-graph, bar graph, and table 
  • create and answer questions based on data

Social Studies
Students will continue their lessons on Where in the World is Phoenix, Arizona?  

  • The students are learning about the continent of North America, that our country is The United States of America, our state is the state of Arizona, and that the city of Phoenix is located in Maricopa county.  We have viewed a "Brain pop" video to gain more knowledge on our global world.
  • The students are focusing on the identifying and locating the seven continents and five oceans.  We have been viewing a "Seven Continents Song" to assist us in learning our world's seven continents.

This week, students will focus on DWP skill #2, following directions. 

Nightly reading for 20 to 30 minutes and logging it
Pick a book to read for the month to begin book report 
Nightly math skill sheet for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
Review spelling skill 

Gentle Reminders:

The students are only permitted to wear solid white, navy blue, or black socks.  Stripes or socks with designs are not in line with the school dress code.

Also, please have your child keep all of their materials inside their accordion folders.  The only pocket that can be emptied at this time would be the Homework pocket.  We had several students who were missing study materials that we are currently still working on.  Thank you :)

We are in need of some more Decision Making help and Junior Achievement moderators.  If interested please let us know and we will give the information to our home room Moms.  

Monthly Book Reports
Today, your child was given directions and a handout about their September monthly book report. Students may choose a book off of the list they received today, or they may select their own, as long as, it follows the genre for the month. On the back side of the directions, you will find a place for the students to record information on their book. They will have the entire month of September to complete this project. Five points will be taken off for any late work.  If you have any questions please feel free to ask Mrs. Ezell. 

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