Monday, September 15, 2014

Practice, Practice, Practice!

Hello Third Grade Families,

As we approach the week of ITBS testing, your children will be partaking in several ITBS practice tests this coming week. These short practice tests are to assist the students in becoming familiar with the language and the processes used during the actual test.  It will also help promote what the testing environment will feel like. The 'real' ITBS test is a timed test and once it is started the student is required to finish it in that sitting.

We would also like to take a minute to introduce our third grade aid, Mrs. Connie McCabe. For those of you who do not know Mrs. McCabe, she has been working at St. Francis for several years. She was previously the aid in the Kindergarten classes, but we are very lucky to have her as a-part of our team this year. She is working with both classes on a regular, consistent basis, and is getting to know the daily routines of each classroom. We are thrilled to have her partner with us this year!

ELA Weekly Focus Wall

Spelling skill for the week is long a and long e spellings.
Grammar skill for the week is compound sentences.
Reading skill for the week is understanding characters.

There will be a spelling, grammar, and reading comprehension assessment on Friday, September 19th. 


The students have begun their lessons in the mathematical concept of Place Value.  This week, our focus will be:
  • understanding the value of each digit
  • understanding standard, expanded, and word forms of numbers
  • learning how to round numbers up to the ten thousands place
Social Studies

Students will continue to learn about the various types of land forms and where they can be located on a map.  We will also touch on the different types of maps.


Students will begin the process of writing a narrative paragraph, using descriptive language. We will look at a variety of pictures that will help us to create a list of descriptive words.


We will continue with our DWP lessons and focus on skill #3 Asking Meaningful Questions. We will also begin our discussions on the Sacrament of Confirmation. We will talk with the students about what it means to choose a sponsor as well as the significance behind choosing a Confirmation name.
Each student is only allowed to have one sponsor for the Sacrament of Confirmation.


              We are A-M-E-R-I-C-A-N-S!
                            I Can Learn. 
                    I Can be Independent. 
                  I Can Give My Very Best. 
                    I Can Be My Best Self.
                I Can Be A Kid For Others!
  • Nightly reading for at least 20 minutes and logging 3 complete sentences neatly. 
  • Nightly Math skill sheet
  • Please visit Dreambox 3 times a week for 15 minutes (each time you visit the site)
  • Grammar skill sheet
  • Continue working on Monthly Book Report - Due: September 30th 
  • Also, don't forget that "Team 100" is in need of your participation. If your family hasn't already joined, please join us in participating in the completion of our beautiful school and church!  The school is both grateful and appreciative of your help!

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