Sunday, November 9, 2014

Abundant Blessings!

Hello Families of Third Graders,
Welcome to the season of Autumn!  The weather is absolutely perfect, football games are on every channel, and Thanksgiving is right around the corner.   It's such a beautiful time of year for so many different reasons.  One of which, is to thank God for the abundant blessings that he has bestowed upon us.  On Wednesday, November 19th, (2 weeks from now), our entire school will gather for our annual "Food Drive Mass."  Every child in the third grade was sent home last week with a large paper bag and directions on how to prepare their bag for St. Vincent De Paul.   The St. Vincent De Paul Society is in need of our help.  Please fill the bag with items that you are able donate.  The items will benefit families in the Phoenix area that are very much in need.   This charitable project reminds me of Christ's words, 
"And the King will say to them in reply, Amen I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me." Matthew 25:40

Also know, that the third graders will be leading the Mass with their eighth grade buddies.   The children who will be reading for this mass will be coming home with their reading this week.  Please practice with your child nightly, so that they feel, both confident and secure in presenting their reading at our all school mass.  Thank you in advance for your help.

Have a wonderful week and here is what is happening in Team 3 and at S.F.X. this week;

On Tuesday, November 11th, we will celebrate Veteran's Day at Pledge and Prayer and we will recognize the holiday in our classrooms through a variety of activities.  We are so blessed to live in the land of the free and the home of the brave!  May God Bless America.  Let's focus on praying for our military men and women this week!

ELA Focus Wall

Spelling Skill ~ Vowel Sound in talk ( alk, o, aw, a)  "aw sound"
Grammar Skill ~ Pronouns and Antecedents
Reading Skill ~ Main ideas and details, summarizing, and fluency

The students will be assessed in the areas of spelling, grammar, and in their reading skills on Friday, November 14th.

The students will complete their lessons on animal adaptations.  The students will be assessed on Wednesday, November 12th.  Each child was sent home with a study guide last week to help them prepare for this assessment.  Here are the science test expectations for your child:
  • Key vocabulary (the students have a completed vocabulary skill sheet inside their accordion files)  adaptation, community, producer, consumer, environment, food chain, predator, prey & population
  • Key animal adaptations content is located on your child's study guide ~ habitat, behavioral adaptations, structural adaptations, food chains, environments, organisms, etc.
  • Essay preparation ~  Your child will be expected to write 3 to 5 sentences to answer and complete a question in regards to their animal adaptations lessons ~  Describe a food chain from beginning to end  and explain how producers are good for the environment ( 2 practice questions were answered and modeled in class and can be found on your child's study guide).
The students will begin their lessons on adding and subtracting to the thousands place.  Your child may visit to practice their addition and subtraction skills this week in lieu of Dreambox, or your child may continue to practice on Dreambox this week.

The students will complete their studies on the saints.  After completing our saintly studies, we will begin our lessons on the liturgical calendar of the Catholic church.  Also, please prepare your child for our upcoming "All School Mass" on November 19th.

  • Read nightly for 20 minutes and log it!
  • Nightly math skill sheet
  • Study, study, study for the animal adaptations test scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 12th
  • Monthly book report project is due on Tuesday, November 25th!  This month's genre is to read a non-fiction book and create a "bag of chips" describing the key details of the book.  A teacher model is being presented in class for both 3A and 3B to assist the children in their understanding of how to create their book report!
  • Please visit" Dreambox" 3 times a week in15 minutes sessions or visit this week only!
  • Please have your child visit on Thursday night to help assist in the understanding of our spelling words. (aw words or when a or o says "aw")

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