Sunday, November 16, 2014

It's Almost Turkey Time!

Thanksgiving Greetings Third Grade Families,
We hope that you and your family have a blessed Thanksgiving, surrounded by the ones that you hold dear.  This newsletter, will serve your families for this week and the next.  Your children are diligently working in all academic areas, and both Mrs. Folz and I, are giving our full effort, in assisting the students with their organizational skills, along with promoting positive decision making.  

 Here is what lies ahead for the next few weeks;

Please take note, that there is no school on November 26th through November 30th.  
Enjoy  your Thanksgiving Break!

ELA Focus Wall

Spelling Skill ~ Vowel Sound in "joy"
Grammar Skill ~ More Plural Nouns
Reading Skill ~ Sequence of Events and Questions
Writing ~ Writing a persuasive essay (Nov. 24th and 25th)  Also, both classes are focusing on the mechanics of writing (proper punctuation, spelling, capitalization, etc.) through  our daily oral language lessons and in our formal writing lessons.

Science ~ 3A is having re-test day on animal adaptations this week. 

Social Studies ~ The third graders are moving into lessons on "World Explorers."
The students will be able to answer the following questions:
Who were the first group of people to go out and explore the world? (The Vikings)
What technological advances led to world exploration?  (The compass, the telescope, and the printing press)
What group set out to conquer people and land for Spain?  (The Conquistadors)
What groups set out to find new routes, to bring back treasures, and test new exploration theories?  (The Europeans)
Your children will also learn how to create timelines and how to read/understand the purpose of a timeline.
Both classes are also learning about the history of the first Thanksgiving.  This will also be our primary focus on the days of Nov. 24th and 25th.

Math ~ The students will continue to practice and apply their knowledge of adding and subtracting to the thousands place.  The students will also continue to work on solving word problems using the bar model strategy.

ReligionThe students will begin learning about the liturgical calendar in the Catholic Church.  "Team 3" is also leading the school in our annual "Food Drive Mass" on Wednesday, Nov. 19th, at 1:45.  We will be having mass in the school's gym.  Our 8th grade buddies will be assisting us in our readings.  Please continue to practice with your child if they are reading at our mass.  Also, don't forget to have your child bring their  St. Vincent De Paul donations on Wednesday!

  • Read nightly for 20 minutes and log your nightly reading
  • Math skill sheet
  • Your children may choose to either practice on Dreambox this week, or they may visit
  • Your child's monthly book report is due next Tuesday, Nov. 25th!
  • 3A needs to study for their animal adaptations test! 
  • Please visit on Thursday night to prepare for Friday's spelling test               (The focus is on oi and oy words.)

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