Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Fall Into A Good Book

Dear Families,

We hope you had a wonderful, relaxing, and restful long weekend! The next three weeks, in the third grade, are going to be quite busy ones for us. Please remember to keep up with our weekly blogs, so that you are in the loop with the happenings in Team 3 and SFX.

Upcoming Events:
10/14 - No Xavier tutoring - will resume on October 21st
10/15 - Third Grade will lead mass at Brophy Chapel at 1:45 pm
10/15 - Picture retake for students who were absent 
10/17 - Quarter 1 Ends
10/18 - School Auction 
10/24 - Report Cards are available for viewing via Renweb
10/27-10/30 - Student Led Conferences

With just three weeks left in October, Mrs. Ezell is preparing to be out on maternity leave for the months of November and December. Mrs. Kathy Folz, will be her long-term substitute. Mrs. Folz is recently retired from the Peoria school district. She has been subbing on campus the last few weeks in several rooms, as well as, assisting Mrs. Sanford with the school play. Last week, Mrs. Folz began observing and visiting our classroom to get a better idea of how things run in the third grade. She will continue to visit us throughout the next few weeks, so that the students get to know her and she gets to know them.

Dear Families,
My name is Mrs. Folz and I look forward to working with your child during Mrs. Ezell’s maternity leave.  I am a second generation St. Francis Parish member.  The first two years of my teaching profession were here at St. Francis in 1A.  I then went to Peoria Unified School District and taught first grade at the same school  for twenty-eight years.  I retired last year and feel God is directing me to return to this wonderful school.
I am currently in Mrs. Ezell’s class observing classroom routine and schedule.  My goal is to ensure consistency  so your child’s learning can continue to progress.
Please feel free to contact me with any issues. I will be using Mrs. Ezell’s  email address and will be checking and returning messages after school.

Mrs.Kathy Folz

English Language Arts

  • Spelling skill focuses on a mix of short and long vowels. 
  • Grammar skill focuses on plural nouns and action verbs. 
  • Reading skill focuses on sequence of events. 
Your child may begin bringing their device to school Monday through Thursday to use only during Reading class. The devices will be locked up during the entire day and only taken out for Reading. 

There will be a spelling, grammar, and reading comprehension assessment on Friday, October 17th. 

We are now ready to begin our first unit in Science titled, Animal Adaptations. Students will begin their lessons on animal adaptations through the use of Brain Pop Jr. videos, science textbook chapters, and hands-on activities.

Students have been reading the Adventures of Flat Stanley in class. In these adventures, Stanley becomes flat due to a bulletin board falling on top of him. He is now thin enough to be mailed in an envelope. This story, introduces students to our next writing piece, writing a friendly letter. By the end of the week, students will be able to identify the five parts of a friendly letter as well as compose one.

Students will be reviewing God's Creation by creating a class book.

Students will continue to practice their addition and subtraction skills utilizing the Singapore methodology.

  • Nightly read and log two complete sentences (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday night) 
  • Nightly math skill page
  • Spelling practice 1x a week via zanerbloser.com
  • Dreambox 3x a week for at least 15 minutes
  • Grammar review page
  • Continue working on Monthly Book Report 

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