Sunday, October 26, 2014

Happy Halloween and Happy Conference Week!

Happy Halloween!
The students will celebrate Halloween on Friday, October 31st.
We will have a spooktacular time creating a craft, eating a simple treat & we will enjoy viewing, 
It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown!
Third Grade Conferences take place this week!
Hello Third Grade Families!
This week, your child will be leading you through our "student led" conferences.  The conference schedule for your child was sent home two weeks ago.  Also, 3B received an additional copy of the conference schedule inside their "Friday" folder.  The purpose of having "student led" conferences, is to allow our families to experience the academic day of a third grader at S.F.X.  It also allows parents to see, the purpose of behavioral expectations that foster positive organizational skills and positive decision making.  We are looking forward to seeing you this week at our conferences.  

The students will be released early this Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday due to conferences.  
The dismissal time will be 12:25. 

Please know, that Mrs. Ezell is now on her maternity leave and is tending to her sweet baby girl, Amelia Jo Ezell.  Mom, Dad, and baby are all doing well, and are enjoying new tender moments with precious Amelia.  We are so fortunate to have Ms. Kathy Folz here at S.F.X. to tend to 3A during Mrs. Ezell's absence.  Ms. Folz comes to us with 28 years of teaching experience.   Wow!  What a gift she will be during the next few months.  Please feel free to welcome Ms. Folz to S.F.X. at dismissal time.  Below, you will find all the other various academic activities taking place this week and what is happening here at S.F.X. 
Welcome Baby Amelia Jo Ezell to the world!
 ELA Focus Wall 


 Spelling Skill ~ The students will spell words with unexpected consonant spellings (digraphs).
 Grammar Skill ~ The students will use commas correctly.
 Reading Skill ~ The students will use context clues and will build/practice their fluency skills.

The students will be assessed in the areas of spelling, grammar and in their weekly reading skill this  Friday, October 31st.

The students will continue their lessons on animal adaptations.  The students are discovering that every animal has a habitat in which it lives.  The students are also learning, that every animal has a specific physical structure and behavioral structure which allows it to survive in its environment.  This week, the students will be gaining more insights on animals and their adaptations.  This will also include, utilizing key scientific vocabulary to assist the children in understanding their animal adaptations lessons.

The students will begin learning about the lives of the saints!  This will assist the students in understanding what it means to be saintly.  These lessons will allow your child to prepare for the holy sacrament of confirmation and to gain more knowledge on the saint whose life they are hoping to emulate.

Decision Making also takes place one day this week..

The students will begin their lessons on word problems utilizing the Singapore bar model math strategy.  These lessons, will also require the students to continue utilizing their addition and subtraction skills.

  • The students will read nightly for 20 minutes and will log their reading
  • The students will have a nightly math skill page
  • Please visit Dreambox 3 times a week for 15 minute sessions
  • Please have your child visit the website to practice their spelling skills.  Click on Digraph blends games on the Zanerbloser web site.
  • October's book report project is due on Friday, October 31st