Monday, January 19, 2015

I Have A Dream...

Hello Third Grade Families,

We hope you enjoyed your long weekend!

Last Friday, the students watched a short video from on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
The students also read about this great American's life contributions. We discussed why we honor
Dr. King and his dream that "A person should be judged by the content of their character, not by the color of their skin."

Last week, the students took both the STAR Reading and STAR Math benchmark tests. Those results will be going home soon. We also began our January benchmark fluency reading tests. We will continue those through this week.


Spelling skill is /j/ and /s/ sounding words such as in circle and age.
Grammar skill is adjectives that compare.
**As a third grade, we will review basic adjectives and retest students this week due to low grammar tests scores from last week's assessment. 
Reading skill is conclusions and point of view.

This week, the students will complete their multiplication boot camp and we will then move into basic division concepts.  It's very important that every third grader masters their basic multiplication facts by the end of this quarter.  Please support us at home, by having your child practice their basic multiplication facts nightly.  It's such a gift for the students to enter the fourth grade with fluency in the four basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division), as many math concepts build on these four foundational skills.

Social Studies
The students are continuing to work hard on understanding the 3 Branches of Governemnt. We will continue our lessons through more videos and hands on activities. Be on the lookout for a student guide and sample test to be coming home soon.

The students are finishing up learning about the Parts of the Mass.
*3A students will be retaking their assessment on Parts of the Mass on Wednesday, January 21st. Please remember to study.

We have Mass this week, at Brophy Chapel. Feel free to join us in the celebration.

Please remember to NOT clean out your child's folders and papers unless your child says it is okay. We have had several students unprepared for class, due to not having the necessary papers. We will continue to use our flip books and worksheets as we work through that specific unit. 

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