Sunday, January 25, 2015

Happy National Catholic Schools Week

Happy Catholic Schools Week! It is going to be a jam packed week of fun activities! Our theme this year is "Kindness Matters."   As a school, and as a class, we are taking the
"Great Kindness Challenge."

Each student will take the kindness pledge this Monday and will receive a checklist of kind acts to 'check off' throughout the week.

Monday - We will take a photograph in the shape of a heart as a school.
Tuesday - Wear a tie with your uniform
Wednesday - School Mass
Thursday - Be You-nique! Wear free dress and the CDA Dance-a-thon is in the afternoon
Friday - Team Kindness: wear your favorite jersey


Spelling skill focuses on words that make the /k/ and /kw/ sound.
Grammar skill focuses on helping verbs and the verb be.
Reading skill focuses on text and graphic features.

The students are now learning about basic division concepts.  We also, are continuing to build multiplication fluency through our basic facts drills.  Any student who also masters multiplying by the 11's and 12's will receive additional points to be added to their math grade.  Please know, that it is an expectation for all third graders, to master their basic multiplication and division facts.  Also, please continue to have your child practice their basic facts using the web site.  This site also has basic division fact practice.

On Thursday, February 5th, all of the third grade students will take their multiplication facts post test.  This test will weigh heavily into your child's math grade for the third quarter of school.  Please practice the basic multiplication facts at home.  Here is a link that will lead you to free, printable, triangular shaped, multiplication flash cards to assist your child at home. 

Social Studies
The students are wrapping up their American Government lessons.  Both classes, will create a study guide and will take a practice test, to assist them in understanding the test format, content, and expectations.  Both the study guide and practice test will go home with the children and they are to utilize these materials for studying purposes.  The actual test date will be announced in class and every child should have the information written inside their agendas.

Students are beginning to prepare for their upcoming retreat. We will be learning about the Sacraments of Initiation.

Sacraments Information
Sacraments of Initiation Retreat - Mandatory for students and at least one parent
 at Brophy Chapel on Friday, February 13th. 
Sacramental Practice - Mandatory for student, parents, and sponsor
at St. Francis Xavier Church, on Friday, April 24th, at 5:30 p.m.

Liturgy For First Holy Communion and Confirmation are scheduled for April 25th, at 10:00a.m.
This date and time has been confirmed by the Diocese.

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