Sunday, February 22, 2015

A Time to Prepare and Reflect

Hello Families,

Last week, we began our Lenten journey with an all school Mass. Each child in the third grade, received a Lenten Journal, which is filled with daily activities. These journals will stay at school during the Lenten season and we will work on the daily reflections in class, as part of our morning routine. Please continue to talk with your children about how they can reflect and prepare their hearts for Jesus' death and resurrection. 

On Monday afternoon, we will have the privilege of having guest speakers from our country's different military branches. These military men and women are kind enough to take time out of their day to come and talk with our students. This, at school field trip, is a great follow up to our American Government Unit and a great way to end a month that focused on our country's Presidents, the Civil War, and Black History Month.  It is with grateful hearts, that we would like to thank these military men and women for valiantly serving our country and for coming to talk with our third grade students.  


Spelling skill focuses on words that require students to change y to i and then add the ending. 
Grammar skill focuses on making comparisons. 
Reading skill focuses on comparing and contrasting. 


Social Studies
Students will finish their lessons on the Civil War, Underground Railroad, and famous African Americans. 

The students will complete their lessons on money.  The third graders will then move into learning about fractions.

Students will continue their Lenten activities through the use of their journals.   The third graders will be leading Mass on Wednesday, in Brophy Chapel at 1:45. 

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